Is no preamp the best preamp of all?

As an experiment I hooked up my OPPO BDP-95 (which has a volume control) directly to my amp. I was very pleasantly surprised to hear a significant improvement in clarity and sound quality. Typically I have the analog outputs on the OPPO running through my preamp in Analog Direct. I have heard that the circuitry within preamps can cause cross-talk in the analog signal, deteriorating the quality of the signal. So, would having no preamp (and therefore no other circuits to interfere with the signal) be better than an expensive analog or digital preamp running in Analog Direct? I am not really interested in Room Correction or DSP of any kind. I was considering purchasing a Bel Canto PRe6 (which I've read is excellent for multichannel analog), but would it be better to just have the OPPO running directly to the power amp?
I had the opposite experience. Inserting an old Adcom pre I had in the garage seemed to be an improvement over the volume control of my PerfectWave DAC. I doubt there's a rule.

I prefer a Preamp over none.

As mentioned quality is key though.

I have conducted experiments running direct from Bel Canto dac3, PS Audio Perfect Wave system and Esoteric SA50 - in all cases prefer the preamp in the signal path (Plinius M8 used to conduct tests)

****dealer disclaimer - I sell all above besides Bel Canto********
Here is Nelson Pass's thoughts on the matter.
The Vandersteen highpass filter is actually not very accurate for my amps. The closest I can get is with the dipswitches at the 100kOhm setting, which gives a drop of about -2.25dB @ 100Hz, and the slope is steeper than it should be. Disappointing for such expensive little boxes. The digital filter is very accurate, but there is the danger with software of it screwing up that's not there with a passive device. I sometimes wish I hadn't bought such fussy speakers.
There are very few great DACs and CDPs with truly exceptional volume controls and even fewer with analog volume controls. My experience in this regards is with the following digital devices, testing them direct to amps and also via preamps: Levinson 390S CDP, DCS stack, EMM Labs, Resolution Audio Opus 21 w/ GNSC mods, Audio Aero Capitol, Esoteric SA-50.

Trebejo s right, they all perform better direct than through a bad preamp. Though, with a good preamp in the system, for the most part they all performed better than direct. But a good preamp is not so easy to come by! Here are a couple of preamps that did not result in "better" performance for ALL of the players: Gamut 3Di, ARC LS16MK2, BAT 5 series (don't remember exact model), Cary SLP Series (don't remember exact model number).

I feel that with the Aesthetix Calypso (w/ upgraded tubes) and also a SF line 3, they all performed better with the preamp.

Based on your (OP) comments, it sounds like you are running through a Pre/Pro or HT Receiver, if that is the case, then I would suspect most any decent (not even great) product is going to sound better direct than going through the processor (even in direct mode).