Atma-Sphere MA-2 amplifier

Get a sense of what it's like to live with one of the world's best amplifiers by reading Marc Mickelson's excellent review of the most recent evolution of the Atma-Sphere MA-2 Mk3.1 OTL amplifiers in The Audio Beat.

Ralph Karsten continues to improve these remarkable amplifiers. Well done, Ralph!
Congragulations Ralph for continuing to push forward the SOTA in amplifer design. I really would love to hear for myself but completely can relate to what the reviewer so well conveyed in this fine review. Great job Mr. Karsten!
Congratulations to the entire Atma-Sphere staff. The craftmanship is second to none and the newest 3.1 mods take these amps and pre-amps to "State of the Art" in every sense of the word. Compare these to anything but be prepared to purchase. Ralph and crew leap way ahead of the pack again! Nicely done boys I only hope the rest of the world catch's on this time, you deserve it.
The ".1" upgrade is genuinely significant - more so than the numeric designation might suggest. Taking my MA-1s from 3 -> 3.1, I was impressed with the improved quietude and audible reduction of distortion, which cashed out as superior intonation, poise, and heightened intelligibility across the frequency range. You say to yourself 'well, I figure it will be better' but it is hard to conceptualize that 'betterness' until you actually hear the differences in your own system - of course by then you're beyond concepts. If you own an amp under 3.0, I suspect the upgrade improvement is exponential.
I'm glad someone else heard similar improvements moving from 3 to 3.1, a well worth upgrade for a reasonable price. Ralph's upgrade philosophy is just one of many reasons why I love my OTLs. Congratulations Ralph!