How Many Audiophiles Have Do You Know?

How many audiophiles have you ever met? The people that you've met here on Audiogon and at audio shows don't count. I'm trying to find out if audiophiles ever meet each other by happenstance. I have never been in a casual conversation when someone ever mentioned a hifi hobby.

The only time I've ever met an audiophile was when I was making a sales call in Denver, CO. I was in the lobby of a big real estate broker's office when the owner had his secretary bring me into his private office. As soon as I walked into his office I saw an unmistakably recognizable pair of Talon speakers with a pair of Krell monlblocs, Audio Research Ref2 Mk2 preamp and a Wadia cd player. I complemented him on his system. He was thrilled that I recognized his components...he was even more thrilled that I asked him to fire it up. I looked through his cd's and chose a few selections that I was familiar with. We talked audio for 30-45 minutes before we finally got down to business. Needless to say, I got the account. I was selling an excellent service, but I'm sure that my familiarity with audio sealed the deal.
As a member of an audio club here in central Florida, I've met and listened to quite a few audiophiles and there systems. It's a great way to learn what you like and don't like. It also gives me a reference on what a system should sound like. It's sad to think that there are audiophiles that don't have a reference to base putting together a system. I don't know what my system would sound like if I'd never met other audiophiles. Hmmmm...:)
Salespeople learn to look for pictures of boats, airplanes, and cars to “bond” with a prospect. I’ve yet to see a picture of an SME V in someone’s office… but I’ll keep looking.
I'm beginning to think the actual number of audiophiles (both aging, and newbies) is a lot larger than we thought! I previously knew only 3-4 audiophiles (aside from meeting folks at RMAF, Axpona, or online) until joining our local audio club (about 7 years ago). At that time we had ~20 active members, but numbers were slowly declining.

This past year, we migrated our website to the platform, which helped publicize our local group, and we now have over 40+ active members, with 2-3 new inquiries a week. Half our new members are likewise longtime local audiophiles who were going it alone, because they never knew a local club existed. The other half are newbies in their 20-30's, with limited funds, but LOTS of energy/interest. And they are getting into vinyl as much as streaming digital playback! Based upon the burgeoning number of new audiophile forums/blogs, and growing interest among Gen-X'ers for higher quality playback beyond iTunes, I think the audiophile future is looking brighter every day.

For those of you looking to connect with other LOCAL audiophiles, I strongly suggest exploring the Meetup platform as a (fairly inexpensive) way to get the word out and organize local listening sessions, or a formal club. Once established, spread the word further by posting your groups link (or contact info) on various audio forums (including A'gon, Audiocircle, and the S'phile list of Audiophile Societies, etc.)

Joining, or organizing, a "pack" of audiophiles is a lot more fun than being a "lone wolf" and really broadens your audiophile knowledge base and musical repertoire (not to mention your debating skills ).

For those of you along the West Coast of Florida, check us out... Suncoast Audiophile Society