How Many Audiophiles Have Do You Know?

How many audiophiles have you ever met? The people that you've met here on Audiogon and at audio shows don't count. I'm trying to find out if audiophiles ever meet each other by happenstance. I have never been in a casual conversation when someone ever mentioned a hifi hobby.

The only time I've ever met an audiophile was when I was making a sales call in Denver, CO. I was in the lobby of a big real estate broker's office when the owner had his secretary bring me into his private office. As soon as I walked into his office I saw an unmistakably recognizable pair of Talon speakers with a pair of Krell monlblocs, Audio Research Ref2 Mk2 preamp and a Wadia cd player. I complemented him on his system. He was thrilled that I recognized his components...he was even more thrilled that I asked him to fire it up. I looked through his cd's and chose a few selections that I was familiar with. We talked audio for 30-45 minutes before we finally got down to business. Needless to say, I got the account. I was selling an excellent service, but I'm sure that my familiarity with audio sealed the deal.
How many audiophiles have you ever met ... by happenstance.
Four. Two former EE co-workers (one of whom introduced me to it all, ca. 1979); a friend of a friend; and someone my wife used to work with.

-- Al
I know a great many, but I am also a professional musician, and we naturally have a much higher percentage of our profession interested in audio reproduction than any other. I am surprised and more than a little disappointed to hear that so many of you know so few other people personally interested in this hobby.
I've met a lot who like good music and sound and had good sounding systems but who never formally labeled themselves as an audiophile. If only they knew what they were missing.....
I might add that while living on Long Island, we had a local audiophile groups with speakers and regular meetings. Since these were largely "mine is bigger than yours" meetings, I only went for the speakers.