Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
What unions gave to Obama for his election (oh those millions!) equaled a weeks worth of the contributions for McCain for the entire election cycle.


Unions represent about 9% of the workforce and my oh my they are a ferocious bunch, aren't they? Something to be afraid of.

As for Wall Street, from what I've remember, they just hedged their bets and gave about the same to both parties until it got to the end and they saw just how insipid the republicans were. They are not fools and they knew Obama was given a turd wrapped in a ribbon. It wasn't supposed to manifest itself until after the election but everything blew up in our faces well before he took office. He's not perfect and he wasn't my first choice (I'm not a democrat) but I'd be damned if I were to vote for the same people who got us in the mess to begin with.

As for OWS, they were protesting WS along with Obama, or didn't you notice?
Take off the blinders.

And as for those stockholders all over the country, they amount to a fraction of the population. Maybe rose colored glasses magnify, I didn't know that. Its not people like you and me. Most sit on boards of many different companies and yes, they act collectively as they have the same agenda: to make as profit as possible. About 1/2 of 1% personally give more than $200 in an election cycle. That's not that many stockholders now is it? And its the super wealthy (oligarchs) that sit on those boards.
From the office:

Nonoise, you are clueless. The unions gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Obama and the Democrats. And it was Obama who spent more money than any candidate in history. You need to check your facts.

"As for Wall Street, from what I've remember, they just hedged their bets and gave about the same to both parties until it got to the end and they saw just how insipid the republicans were."

That's so ridiculous on the face of it and a lie. Surely, you can do better than to make up your own facts. Obama had record breaking campaign cash long before "the end" of the campaign. Man, it's hard to respond to that kind of spin and lies.

"About 1/2 of 1% personally give more than $200 in an election cycle. That's not that many stockholders now is it? And its the super wealthy (oligarchs) that sit on those boards."

Once again, clueless. The individual stockholders don't have to make campaign contributions to benefit from corporate donations. What part of the process don't you understand.

If the corporations are contributing to protect their business interests, then the individual stockholder (large or small benefits) as well.

Now I understand why you are here complaining so much about the rich and how the system is screwing you. You don't get it or just don't want to do what it takes to dramatically improve your cicumstance.

It's probably someone else's fault too if you are over-weight, unattractive, short, bald, have self-induced health problems, addictions, etc.

Man-up and beat the system at it's own game or at least learn to play the game to your benefit. But whining about the rich and sitting on your butt in the comfort of your computer screen is only going to do one thing, keep your status in life right where it is or worse.
I just lost all respect for Classe and would not own any of their gear even if it was made in Canada. I'd bet the Chinese Classe gear will not hold it's value so well.