Thoughts on 845 set monoblocks

Your preference and why.
"I generally favor the simplest circuits"
I agree 100%, it seems simpler circuits=natural and purer sound more often than not.

I wrote that Bob Hovland recapped my amps, not that Hovland caps were used. In fact the value here was that Bob gave me an opinion about what caps would make specific improvements and after some discussion that included Dueland and others, we agreed on Nichicon slenders for the specific application. The result is superb. Bob didn't give any favor to his brand, or his newer SuperCaps, in the discussion.

213 cobra , thank you for your thoughts on 845 amps.I'm sure your Audion Black Knight is a gem and worthy for placement in any system using a 845 tube.I have not heard this amp so I have no way to compare it to my deHavilland.
I can say that although my Aries 845G will never win a beauty contest just happens to be the best sounding amp I have had the pleasure of owning.Of course this is in my system which plays to my bias' The price of the Aries has risen considerably as every thing else but it is still much less then the new Sophia amp and I believe the Audion as well. Aries has stood the test of time and continues to have the wonderful backing of Kara.
Enjoy your system