The best integrated amplifier

Hi All
Right now I am using a Marantz PM-KI Pearl amp to drive Esoteric MG-20 speakers. I feel that a better amplifier would give them a bit more get up and go. I would like to stick with an integrated and have short listed:
Pass Labs INT-150
Moon 700i
Audio Research dsi150
GammuT Di 150
As a starting point for auditioning. Now to the question:
Is there anything else I should put on the list?
Any experience with the products listed would be helpful.
AKg Ca, thanks for chiming in on your experience with Orisis. I agree somewhat with the garbage in garbage out, however I am not a source first guy to the point that it becomes so hugely important. Important yes, but there are so many other variables. For example, I can drop a 50 DVD player in and it will still sound really good. I have had a lot of bad recordings. They are never going to sound like Roxy Music or Jennifer Warnes. I have had to put together systems that make those type of recordings sound the best as possible. I don't want stuff that "shows" me how bad things are and how great the good stuff is. There are speakers and components out there that help breath some life and air into poor recordings. Yes they won't sound outstanding but they also won't sound flat, dull, harsh and lifeless either. So in that sense, the Orisis may not be a good fit for some people. I speculate that is why the person said pair them with warm speakers. Whether it is the speakers or source I don't think matters, what matters is with the Orisis is he has to compensate for something somehow.
Check out Neodio NR600 Signature, Frech made, 100 watts, replaced a Air Tight300b/Joule Electra 300ME combo and have never looked back.
Has anyone actually heard both the Lavardin IT and the LFD LE? That sounds like a very interesting comparison, but I suspect very few have heard both.
Pass Labs INT-150 would be my pick, plus you can audition it at home in your system without risk other than paying for original to and from shipping. Any other's in your list that will loan you an amp to try out ? I bet not. Try Pass first. RenoHiFi
The Luxman 509u integrated amp is wonderfully musical, beautifully built, and powerful - 120W into 8 Ohms, and 240W into 4 Ohms.

I auditioned several of the amps mentioned above, and the Luxman won me (and my wallet) over.