shindo aurieges ....

i have devore nines speakers .
i like to know how good is this preamp ,if i compare it to anothers good amp like : EAR868 ,OR CONRAD JOHNSON 17 and others goods preamp?
like to know if shindo aurieges is good for is price or i can get better for this price range of 3500-4000 $ ?
and last thing i read here that shindo aurieges preamp have high impedence in is output ,what will be good for this preamp (if you can please give me names of good combination with shindo aurieges in price of 2000-2500$ range) ??
I have the Shindo Auriges and it is the best preamp I have ever owned. Connects me emotionally with music unlike any other I have heard. Have used it with VTL-ST-85, ASL Hurricanes and Odessey Khartego's. Sounds great with all of them. Also it has a great moving magnet phono stage unless you get the line stage only version. You will not be dissapointed by this Pre
I like the Shindo Aurieges, but I think there are better values out there. The Modwright LS-100, and the TRL Dude would, in my opinion, be better bang for buck.
I tend to agree with Wilson. I've owned the Auriges twice and while its very good, it has flaws and there are better pre amps that can be had for less. I preferred an Audion premiere to my Shindo by a wide margin and the Audion gave me an extremely good phono stage. I actually preferred the Audion to the Dude Wilson mentions as well, but synergy may have been off as I expected more from the Dude.