shindo aurieges ....

i have devore nines speakers .
i like to know how good is this preamp ,if i compare it to anothers good amp like : EAR868 ,OR CONRAD JOHNSON 17 and others goods preamp?
like to know if shindo aurieges is good for is price or i can get better for this price range of 3500-4000 $ ?
and last thing i read here that shindo aurieges preamp have high impedence in is output ,what will be good for this preamp (if you can please give me names of good combination with shindo aurieges in price of 2000-2500$ range) ??
im understand that shindo aurieges fail alittle in compared to other shindo gear.
i still not sure if the shindo aurieges for is budget is value for the money or just the name talk???
i still not know if the shindo aurieges better then the ear868 preamp ??
and im not understand is the shindo not so detailed ??
and last question what is good comb with aurieges (i read here that is output is very high impednce and he need amp with input of 20 multiplie)? give me good comb with shindo that is not expensive (budget of 2000$)
I use a Butler amp with my Shindo Aurieges. The Butler input is 47k and the Shindo output is 5k ( Importer says it is actually lower on another thread) , never had any problems. Also used with the original Belcanto 1000 which on paper is a horrible mismatch but never seemed to have any trouble. Matt at Pitchperfect said if you keep your IC short it would be OK and offered money back if I was not satisfied. Pulled the system to a higher level so I still have it. Only looking to upgrade along Shindo line at this time.

The only preamps I compared with the Shindo were Manley Shrimp, Quicksilver, and the Belcanto Pre 3.

Hope this helps and good luck.
Bolero32, another thing I think is important to this discussion. When I had the Belcanto amps I used copper IC's and speaker wire to tone down the amps, but when I changed to the Butler it was way to warm for me. I changed to silver and copper/silver to get the resolution the preamplifier and amp were capable of.

It could be that the posters who think the amp is euphoric sounding were listening to it with components and wire which tended to go in that direction. Maybe not.

Also I have the 2 box version with a great MM stage. I have not heard the one box Aurieges.
The Auregies is a great preamp, thats the reason I owned it twice, but using it with a very transparant amp like a Decware Torii in comparison to my Audion pre and a Dodd preamp (which i dont prefer this is mentioned for contrast only) some warts do show. Its got a nice flow and tone, but is a less resolved presentation.

Its a gorgeous presentation, but its a little candy coated. Sometimes that romance is exaclt.what i crave though sometimes i want a splash more truth.
thanks for you all to the posts im enjoy to read them my friends. :-}
two things pls :

1.what about compare the shindo auregies to ear 868 ?
2.what about comb with pass labs amp with shindo ?
3.where i can find shindo aurieges for sale used or new in good price ?
thanks all have anice day