Is there any truth to this question?

Will a lower powered amp that can drive your speakers, in your room, listening to the music you like sound better than using a powerful amp to avoid clipping?

Here's the scenario: Use a 50 w YBA amp to drive 86 db efficient Vandersteens in a 10 x 12 room, listening to jazz or

Will a 200 w Krell or such sound better and more effortless.

Some say buy all the power you can afford and others say the bigger amps have more component pairs ie) transistors to match and that can effect sound quality.
I cannot think of any speaker that is so inefficient that one would be listening to it at an average output of 30 watts so that a 10 db peak would require 300 watts.

Yes, with inefficient speakers something more than 30 watts may be needed where one listens at very high average levels as a safe margin to avoid clipping. But, that does not appear to be the practice of the original poster. If that margin came for "free" then of course go with higher power. But, nothing is free--one has to compromise other aspects of performance. Yes, it is possible that a whole new technology may come along and erase most, if not all, of the compromises need to deliver high power, but I've not heard it yet.

It certainly is not, in my experience, Class D switching amps. It is too early to predict where further improvements in that technology will take performance of that technology, so there is hope there, but right now, the amps I heard fall short of the best conventional solid state gear.

It is a matter of personal preference and priority. For me, good performance at low volume levels is a high priority and the ability to deliver satisfying detail, weight, and dynamic contrasts at low volume is more important than high volume performance because I very rarely want to listen at head banging levels.

I know people often do calculations of power needs based on supposed real life concert levels. Those calculations don't reflect practical use of a system. Classical music has a massive dynamic range, so, in theory, a lot of headroom is needed. But, in reality, recordings NEVER deliver the dynamic range of a real concert (probably most listeners would not like a realistic range because the music would be too soft in quiet passages). If one set the volume level at peaks to match concert level peaks, the average level would be unrealistically loud. As for rock music, I hardly need my system to play at concert level to get the juices jumping. If my system did not sound WAY better than any live rock concert and if it needed to be played at anywhere near live concert level to sound good, I would junk it.

I have found that, as my system has improved over the years, I want to listen to it at lower, not higher, volume levels.
"It certainly is not, in my experience, Class D switching amps. It is too early to predict where further improvements in that technology will take performance of that technology, so there is hope there, but right now, the amps I heard fall short of the best conventional solid state gear."

Larry, is that an opinion or do you have some facts to support?

My experience is different. Personal preferences may result in not liking Class D, or Class D may not always integrate well with the rest of the system, like any amp, but my assessment is that the performance can be competitive with other amps I have heard in other very good systems.
I agree that dynamic range is often a problem- and that clipping on transients is more common that we care to admit. In that regard (IMO) it is the clipping character of the amp that often part of the amplifier's reputation.

My speakers are 98 db/1 watt, and I like to have 140 watt amps to drive them. The amps I am using have more nuance than their smaller brothers so I get away with this, as quite often the meters on the amps indicate that they are making far less than even 1 watt. But it is at the same time nice to not be able to come anywhere near clipping the amps regardless of the source or the volume setting. Certain LPs, like the Soria Verdi Requiem, demand this ability!
"it is at the same time nice to not be able to come anywhere near clipping the amps regardless of the source or the volume setting. Certain LPs, like the Soria Verdi Requiem, demand this ability!"


I agree 100%. That's the insurance policy as I like to refer to it.

Atmas, you like 140 tube watts I assume with the 98 db efficient speakers. That would be a nice insurance policy I would think!
02-16-12: Larryi
I cannot think of any speaker that is so inefficient that one would be listening to it at an average output of 30 watts so that a 10 db peak would require 300 watts.

Have you ever made any attempt to measure your power needs objectively or are you guessing? Objectively, 30 watts is not enough power to avoid clipping on music peaks of over 100dB for typical room and speakers though listening levels are not just a function of amplifier power but room reinforcement, room resonances, and room sound absorption all have a significant influence on the power requirements too.

What compromise have you observed with well engineered high powered amplifiers?

In my experience audiophiles under-estimate their power needs.