Wilson Sasha or W/P match with Pass Labs

I'd like to get some opinions on how well the Wilson Sasha will go with Pass XP preamp + XA / X.5 power amps. My concern is whether the resulting sound will be too warm or dark. How about older Watt / Puppies like the System 8?
XA-100 or XA-160 if you can afford them

X-250.5 is still an awesome combo with them.
Rockitman your system looks crazy (awesome)...

Any comments on how the Sasha and the W/P8 sound differently in this context?
I auditioned the Sasha multiple times driven by various gears and I couldn't find any weakness at all, except its price. If I ever can afford to upgrade from my B&W 801N, Sasha would be next.
I wouldn't match Wilson with Pass amps, especially not Sasha's. They are hard to drive and with the XA 100.5s the bass will be loose and boomy.

I own Sasha's and had the Pass amps for a while. It's too bad because otherwise they are incredible amps.
I own Sasha's and drive them with Densen B-350s.http://www.ultrahighendreview.com/densen-b-350-monoblock-power-amplifier/, My room is 20'x 26'and I think they drive them fairly well. I listen to contemporary jazz and nothing with very deep bass, but when music has bass it's tight and quick.