As Mofi indicated, it appears that the RB-1080 cannot be bridged.
Also, be aware that an amplifier that is operated in bridged mode will "see" a load impedance equal to the speaker impedance divided by two. Like many B&W speakers, the 800D reaches impedances at some frequencies in the lower part of the spectrum that are quite low, apparently about 3.1 ohms in this case. So a bridged amplifier would see that as about 1.5 ohms. Very few bridged amplifiers will be able to handle that low an impedance with good sonic results, and some might overheat as you indicated, or go into protective shutdown mode, blow fuses, etc. I suspect that most high powered amplifiers that are capable of handling that kind of a load impedance when bridged will be quite expensive.
I'm not familiar with the model Mofi suggested, but I would choose among amplifiers that can provide adequately high power without being bridged, and that preferably have a specified continuous maximum power capability for a 4 ohm load that is twice what the rating is for an 8 ohm load.
-- Al
Also, be aware that an amplifier that is operated in bridged mode will "see" a load impedance equal to the speaker impedance divided by two. Like many B&W speakers, the 800D reaches impedances at some frequencies in the lower part of the spectrum that are quite low, apparently about 3.1 ohms in this case. So a bridged amplifier would see that as about 1.5 ohms. Very few bridged amplifiers will be able to handle that low an impedance with good sonic results, and some might overheat as you indicated, or go into protective shutdown mode, blow fuses, etc. I suspect that most high powered amplifiers that are capable of handling that kind of a load impedance when bridged will be quite expensive.
I'm not familiar with the model Mofi suggested, but I would choose among amplifiers that can provide adequately high power without being bridged, and that preferably have a specified continuous maximum power capability for a 4 ohm load that is twice what the rating is for an 8 ohm load.
-- Al