Hypex Ncore NC400

Really enjoying these, wondering about other's experiences.

Also, has anyone heard bridged NC400s?
Maybe there was something wrong with these nCores?


The Ncores sound best plugged directly into the wall. I'm not sure of your set up, but that is the way that most users found them to sound best. There are many threads about the Ncore over on the Audio Circle forum. Perhaps there may have been a deviation in this particular build? Dunno?

Your Joule Electra amps are a superior sounding tube amp, no doubt about it. They offer a true 3D bloom that can be found in only the best of tube amplification. The Ncore is SS Class D, and as DIY can be put together for about 15% of the JE VZN 100's. Your high sensitivity speakers are pretty much a non issue for the Ncores. Many are using them with high sensitivity with great results.

Hey lets face it, you already have a fantastic sounding amp and the Ncore didn't float your boat. No biggie!
Beauty is in the ear of the listener :-).


I'm pretty happy with the Ncore amp I built, but I'm more of a solid state person anyway.
Rodge827, very good points. In the context of comparing apples to apples I found the basic unbridged nCore 400s (I spent $1375. building mine) are less forward, more relaxed, with greater space between instruments. Basically an across the board improvement within the varying designs of, the still young class D, switching amplification.

I've been enjoying switching amplifiers since the PS Audio HCA-2. I find them an economically stellar sonic alternative to tube and solid state. In most examples they're unmatched at certain attributes. Generally, their transparency, while unmistakably forward sounding, maintains a remarkably uncongested presentation even when pushed hard. The most critical detractors agree their bass is rock solid even though they may not be comfortable with their unembellished bass.

As a long time owner of tube amplification I never understood the claims of switching amplifiers "tube like midrange." I have heard quite a few switchers and never found that second order harmonic thing with class D or with solid state. Hence, if you like tubes, buy tubes.
OP here.

At the other end of the efficiency range, I have 81dB speakers and, while there is plenty of power, I can't help but wonder what bridged amps would do.

I assembled the mono amps with one SMPS/NC400 in each stereo case so there is provision for adding a second. Just thought I'd wait for someone else to do this and comment before I spent the other $1300.

And, as far as tube "sound" is concerned, I use a Metric Halo LIO-8 processor and find that the NCore neutrality (IMO) works well with the "Modern California Tube" character setting. Hey, DSP tone controls!

So, no-one has made/heard bridged NC400s?

I see the specs in stereo mode but I could not find any specs in monoblock mode for the Spectron.

Since you claim distortion reduction (and indeed as I have said I have heard the improvement) I am curious what are the THD or IMD values in monoblock mode?
