Zu Druid and Shindo?

Is there anything wrong with matching Zu Druid loudspeakers and Shindo gear? I have exactly Aurieges/MOntille combo like it was described in the discussion here http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl_u?aamps&1322486604&&&&&/SHINDO-AMP-ZU-DRUID-NO-WAY- . No idea why this thread is not existing?

I would appreciate any feedback!
That will be a fine pairing. I used a Shindo preamp in a rig with soul superbly speakers and 845 set amplification and it was really beautiful.
It will work but I think you can do better on the speakers. This is from someone who owned a Zu Druid and Essence in the past.
Should be a great pairing. Though I'd agree with Sibelius that it might not be the speaker to amp budgetary balance that I'd necessarily choose.