Where's the trade off?

Hi. I run a Rogue Cronus Magnum with Harbeth C7ES3's and a Audiolab 8200cdq as a source. I love my system with the exception of wishing I had some tighter bass. I find that I don't listen to music as much as I did when I had a solid state amp because I can't leave my amp on all the time. My previous set up was a NAD C317 (loved) with B&W DM 602's (also loved). With that old NAD integrated, I listened to tunes all the time. Now I turn on the TV when I would normally want to listen to music on week nights because of warm up time and tube usage. I find my current system to sound similar to my old system. My question is, does anyone think I can find a solid state amp that sounds similar to my Rogue? Can I go back to solid state and still be happy? I must be able too because I had it before. That NAD amp didn't sound that much different to me than what I have now. The NAD was not bright at all and it was very musical from what I remember. I'm wondering if I should be looking at a Luxman, LFD etc? I've tube rolled and that's helped me out a lot but it doesn't help with the fact that I have to wait for my amp to warm up. I'm not a patient person when it comes to music. My speaker cables are Audioquest Rockefellers and I can't remember who makes my interconnect, although I really don;t think I can hear differences between similar cables.
On another note. I had new Rotel separates before the Rogue, the best they make right now. These were the top of the line Rotel amp / pre-amp combo. It was the most shrill sounding gear I've ever herd in my life. AT first I thought I had to break it in. After 3 months and no difference in sound, I took a bath and dumped it fast. At first I thought it was my B&W CM7's so I brought my DM601's up from the basement only to find out it was the Rotel. This was of course my own fault and I learned a big lesson. That's when I bought the Rogue and the Rogue took away so much stress that I didn't even care about the money loss.
Agree the Rogue would not be my first choice for a tube like sound. It's also not priced that much above the NAD stuff, so may not be a huge improvement. KT88 tubes are the least tube like as well.

Best I can offer is with SET EL34 or 845 output tubes, the Harbeth's are magic. You might look a the Mastersound dueVenti (el34, 20wpc) or the Unison S6 (el34, 30wpc.) Either of those would move you up a to a whole new level.

If you are sweating the tube thing, the Pathos Classic One MkIII hybrid or one of the Unison Unico hybrids would also be a great match.
I've heard the rogue.

A good Class D amp like Bel Canto or Wyred For Sound may be the ticket. I hear significant similarities although the BC has very high damping resulting in most clean and articulate bass. I leave mine on for extended periods between listens. The high efficiency and low power consumption when idle lends itself well to that.
I never understand this waiting 25 minutes for warmup. I have had tube amps for 60 years and never had one that I didn't enjoy the moment I turned it on. Currently I have a VTL ST-85 and there is almost no change in sound from cold start to hours of listening. My Shindo preamp also sounds great from cold start. Just relax and enjoy the music.
I have a novel idea: Sell everything and buy an NAD C317 and pair of B&W DM 602s. My little NAD 7225 stomps all over many of today's gear in musical terms and has stood the test of time for the very reason you mention...it makes you want to listen to your CDs.