who has done the ARC REF5 upgrade to SE

Hello forummembers , should like to get in contact with a member who has let done this upgrade AND has knowledge of electronics to tell me ( and other members )about the connection of the new capacitorboard to the old board.
Ofcourse I have asked ARC , but as an owner of the REF3 they are not willing to tell me .
Regards Hans
ARC is still doing the upgrade game. Which is why I stopped considering them. REf5 cost a few good bucks, and now they have a SE version. Think they could get it right the 1st time. Sorry to hear they would not share with you, it would have been in their benifit to do so. Strange!
I spent a few 10k on arc gear thinking it would get me somewhere. No cash going in that direction again.
We can stop this thread as a forummember took the time to open the upperlid of the REF5 and took a look inside to answer my simple question .
I think he is the only member who has done this upgrade as no answer from other REF5 owners .Grrrr