Hi Friends. A reminder that there are many people who post on all types of sites just to get a response. Usually folks who feel so empty or alone that even a negative response is contact with the outside world. Another type feels so broken or powerless that they try to manipulate others to feel powerful. Or both of those.
Me, I'm looking for contact with others interested in High Fidelity Cables
to share HFC product experiences SO, I skip the ones trolling for trouble. I find replying can escalate into negative responses. Then the Sheriff steps in and blocks further posts.
I'm here to ENJOY the MUSIC. sorry for those poor dears who can't. D
Me, I'm looking for contact with others interested in High Fidelity Cables
to share HFC product experiences SO, I skip the ones trolling for trouble. I find replying can escalate into negative responses. Then the Sheriff steps in and blocks further posts.
I'm here to ENJOY the MUSIC. sorry for those poor dears who can't. D