"First, I'm uncertain as to what a line stage is, passive or active. Is my Onkyo active? How can I tell? Also, is this something listed in the specs by most equipment manufacturers? Is passive a better match for my speakers and what should I be looking for as a minimum power rating. "
Sorry it took so long to respond. I didn't see your response until now. A line stage is a preamp. The reason people use the term line stage instead of preamp is because a line stage only accepts line level inputs . CD players, Radio, Cassette etc, are all examples of line level components. A turntable needs a special type of input on a preamp, and is not considered a line level source. Unless, of course, you get an external phono preamp. The output on a phono preamp does qualify as line level so you can plug that into your line stage.
Simply put: A line stage is a preamp that does not have a phono input. Back when everyone was listening to records, just about every preamp was considered "fully featured", and had a phono input. Now that records are optional, no one wants to pay for something they will not use.
I see your question about active and passive. When I have more time a little later I will post again.