Classe CAM 350 upgrade for Conrad Johnson MF2500A?

Having owned some CJ gear (both tube and SS amps) and very happy with them, my upgrade path is the Premier 350 but it seldom comes up for sale.

Listening mostly to Jazz, Classic and some Rock, I am looking for better resolution and more slam in the bass region whilst keeping the good characteristics (in short, very musical and tubey sound) that my current MF2500A offers. The MF2500A drives a pair of modded Dunlavy SC-IVs and is fed by a CJ CT-5, all NordOst IC & SCs.

Anyone care to share his/her experience comparing these two power amps? In other words, would the CAM350s be a good step up?

Alternatively, which amp would you suggest as an alternative as the next logical step up from the CJ MF2500A?
Just curious what mods did you get on the Dunlavy 1V?
The Dunlavy's used an amazing crossover and the drivers blended in perfectly.
I heard the Dunlavy 1Va on Spectron Musician monoblocks and the system sounded great.
You might consider the c-j CA200 integrated. I think you could input your preamp into the "theater" input but I'm not sure. I'd call c-j to verify that. Or you might like the sound of the integrated itself. Lots of good reviews to read and there are a couple for sale on Audiogon right now.
I wouldn't sell the CJ MF2500A to get a CJ integrated amp, especially for the Dunlavy 4 speakers.
The Dunlavy 4 speakers need a good amp.
There are alot of these great well built amps out there.
I'v heard lots of good ones on other speakers.
Amps like the Levinson 23.5, Rowland 7 amps, YBA Passion amps. I also liked the Sunfire signature amp, which is similar to the Carver Lighstar amp.
In my conversations with John Dunlavy; he recommended ss amps, especially Class D and particularly (in order): Jeff Rowland and Spectron.
I posted the question "what's the best amp, for music, under 1k used" and got multiple responses saying I should check out the cj mf2500 and after researching that amp on-line, along with a few others, I decieded that the cj mf2500 was the one that I would probably go with. I'm "auditioning" a classe ca-150, simply because it was offered to me today, for the next couple of days and if I don't buy it, I'd be interested in possibly buying your cj!