Need a receiver for Klipsch Heresy speakers

Hello good people! In 1985 I purchased two Klipsch Heresy speakers driven by a Denon DRA 425 receiver. Since that time I've married and have three children and my music listening habits have changed drastically. I still listen to the Klipsch speakers, but at much lower levels than I did in 1985 and I also listen to some much smaller remote speakers. In addition I have the speakers hooked up through the Denon receiver to run the HD TV through. The receiver is now falling apart and I need a new one. I am on a very low budget because of the cost of raising a family. I'm not going to be blaring the speakers at high volumes and I'm not looking for anything with lots of bells and whistles. I just want some adequate power to run the speakers and still maintain decent audio quality, and I also want to hook the TV up to the speakers. What will I be sacrificing if I go with a low price item such as a Sherwood RX 4503 (200 watt receiver) that seems to be on everybody's "best choice for low budget receiver" list? I've got quality speakers and a quality receiver that's falling apart and I don't have Donald Trump's money. How much do I realistically need to spend? If I do need to spend a lot of money, please be honest and let me know. From what I've read here in this forum you folks are obviously the experts so I value your opinion. Thank you so much.
Love the Heresy's, used to have a pair and wished I had kept them. If stereo is still your thing I would point you towards an integrated amp. The Marantz PM 8004 would be my first choice. It list for $1000.00. Their entire line is worth a look with lower priced models. Easy to use and great sounding and cost effective.

If indeed a receiver, than Marantz and NAD would get my nod first. Had a Sherwood receiver in the past and was not impressed. Higher current sounds better than higher watts. Your speakers as you know don't need to have a lot of power.

Happy hunting.
The Heresy's are very efficient and can easily be driven by much lower wattage units. Consider a used integrated from NAD which has always been considered a good match with Heresy's. IMO, I would get a NAD used intergreated.
Totally agree with the NAD integrated.

Larry, check your inbox on your "My Page". I sent you a private message.

If an integrated is okay, find a slightly used or possibly even new Marantz PM5004 on ebay. Original retail was about $450 but they have been supplanted by a new model and should be under $400 now. I've used one to drive Klipsch Cornwalls for a couple of years. Not "high end" but quite good and well reviewed. Cheers.