Oppo BDP-95 as a pure two channel audio source?

Curious to know if anyone out there has purchased the Oppo BDP-95 soely on its merit as a dedicated two channel audio source? If so, how does it stack up comparatively speaking. Thanks
I have the fully modded Oppo 95 by ModWright.
Love it for 2-channel audio playing all formats - CD, DVDA, SACD, etc.
Also for streaming Netflix.
Have not compared it to any uber expensive stuff, but am perfectly content.
I use the Oppo BDP-93...very happy with my unit, but also awaiting the BDP-105 release for my possible upgrade since I already own a Modwright SWL9.0 preamp with upgraded power supply. I use mine for 80% music and 20% movies etc..
I have a BDP-95 that serves double duty as my 2 channel audio and video system are one in the same. Currently the 95 is stock until I decide to do my own mods to it. It is not only an excellent sounding CD/SACD player, but an excellent Blu Ray Player as well. It also does a great job with up converting standard DVD's.
You will have to spend several times the cost of the BDP-95 to better the sound it is capable of!
Thanks to all for your responses, appreciate the insight. Based on what I'm hearing, it sounds like if the Oppos' not modded, and/or there is no intent on making use of its video capabilities, a better choice could be made by going with any one of the number of quality dedicated audio high performance players available.