Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
You were a longtime advocate for passive units and very happy with their performance. With the active CSL in your system has there been any period of adjustment? How is the music presentation altered? How is dynamic contrast,tone and timbre different if at all?
Charles1dad, I have a good 100 hours on the CSL now. Much to my relief, at this point there has been absolutely no aberration in tone or timbre and the the CSL is just dead silent. Dynamics, as expected, is much improved, but not at all in an unnatural sense. I have heard many actives that had all kinds of dynamics--sounded quite impressive if you had no live acoustic music frame of reference. But for me they sounded like hi-fi, not music.

Not long ago, I started a thread asking for recommendations on putting together a system specifically for listening the chamber music. Before introduction of the CSL, it was normally difficult if not impossible to discern in space the location of the 1st and 2nd violins. The CSL just nails it! Image, especially depth of image, is really impressive. Looks like it wasn't the Maggies, it was the Promitheus. It was a good thread with a lot of great suggestions, but now, I don't know if that project is really necessary. Might still be fun, but maybe not really necessary.

There is no downside at all as far as I am concerned with the CSL.

I think the passive vs active debate is still relevant below a certain price point. With the CSL, we are beyond that price point.
I'm happy the CSL is all you hoped it'd be.I know how wonderful it is but you can't predict another person's outcome with a given component.I, as you do, use live acoustic music as my reference point. This method effectively separates the true music reproducers from the artificial hifi sound. I imagine your system sounds natural and beautiful.
Received a new Coincident Statement Linestage last week. Paired with Hypex NCore NC400 based monoblocks, running a balanced configuration.

Israel shipped it day after payment and I got it within 7 days.

It's really very good. Transparent, dynamic, detailed, smooth, and spacious. It also runs cool, and is quiet, no tube hiss, no hum, and no noise of any kind. It is without any fault I can identify.

Music is detailed, extended, and fast -- but coherent and, well just plain musical. You can listen with a critical ear if you want or sit back and enjoy the tempo and flow of music without distraction.

I'm very happy.
Congratulations! Of course I agree with your early impressions(it will continue to improve with time).The CSL is a world class line stage and legitimately competes with the very best irrespective of cost.Did you own a Shindo preamp at one time?Sorry if I confused you with another gon member.I find it difficult to listen to with a critical mind set.The natural sound and emotional involvement it provides just pulls you into the music,completely.