Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
Hey Charles - shortly after you tipped me off about the Psvane HiFi 101D's, I placed an order with Grant Fidelity. Unfortunately, it took 18 days to get them and when I opened the box, the internals of one were bent 30 degrees and touching the inside of the glass and the other had something loose inside. Frustrating! I have sent them back and hopefully it doesn't happen again. I look forward to trying them in my system, but I honestly have a hard time imagining it getting much better.

I did ask Rachel at Grant Fidelity if they planned to carry them. She gave me a short response along the lines of "only if the demand is there and it's not there now" (paraphrased of course). I'm not entirely sure she was aware of them, but that is just a hunch. Everyone...let's get that demand up for the WE 101D replicas!!!
Charles, No need to temper that enthusiasm~ I'm hearing what you are hearing, and loving every minute of it. The CSL is one nice piece at any price. At under 6K, it is a steal.

German, sorry to hear you had problems getting your tubes. HEY Rachel, WE WANT THE WE101D TUBES!!!
Hope that does the trick.
Hi Jordan and Brownsfan,
Perhaps we should send her emails expressing our interest. If that's unsuccessful I'll find a way to order from China.
Jordan I think you know that Brownsfan and I aren't hype machines and we both call it as we see it. The Psvane is a legitimate improvement of the "very goodt" Shuguang tube. For over 4 years I've just loved my CSL and wouldn't think of replacing it (with what?). But man oh man these Psvanes in the CSL are something else!
I don't mean to imply that there's a"night and day" improvement with the Psvane but the improvement is undeniable. In what manner? The sound quality is more organic, harmonically complete and fleshed out and tactile. There's more presence and emotion, the CSL had these attributes as a strength. Well now it's even more so. Pap says it gets better with W.E. , well then we're talking pinnacle level of rarefied realism.
pinnacle level of rarefied realism
Charles - now that is a turn of phrase!! I'm really looking forward to hearing them.