Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
Hi Drdavid,
I haven't ordered mine yet but certainly will get to doing so. I'm so content with my current sound that I've just been sitting around listening to music and not tinkering/ changing anything in recent months.
Grant fidelity have been shipping the new PSvane 101d WE replicas for a week or so now, Anybody got theirs yet?
Pap, I've had mine in the CSL for a couple of days now. Preliminarily, I like what I hear, but I'm going to burn these in for a couple weeks before doing an A/B/C with the Hi Fis and original Shuguangs.