Asking for guidance on my first hi-fi system...

Hello, this is my first post here and I am hoping to gain a little confidence in making a purchase of an integrated amp for a nice two channel music only system. I recently built my own speakers, (the Jim Holtz Mini Statements) and auditioned them at my friends house on two different high end audio systems.... Rogue, Electrocompaniet, Van Alstine are a few names I remember of his gear. He helped me confirm that my speakers sound very nice and are a good starting point to build upon. My budget is 500.00 or less for an amp. Currently I use an Onkyo HT-R520 home theatre receiver, set on "Direct" listening mode. Obviously, my speakers don't sound as good with the Onkyo. I believe the bass is over emphasized and the mids and highs are a little lacking in detail.
Here are my objectives:
1. Stay within budget
2. Find something that will sound better and resolve the weaknesses of the Onkyo

Currently I am interested in a 300 to 400 dollar Carver CM 1090 integrated amp. Would this be a wise choice given it's age? or should I be looking at a new NAD, or ?????

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

I may have to try that and I like the idea of waiting a few months, I should get to know the sound really well before making any changes. I'll be honest, as a newbie in the world of higher quality audio, I've been a bit skeptical about spending lots of money on speaker wires, RCA cables, etc. However, I don't doubt I could improve upon my 15' - 18ga lamp extension cord powering my NAD ! In time I will definitely change that and my ears will need to be the judge. Do you have any suggestions for RCA cables and power cords for the budget minded buyer?
There are a number of great options: I suggest the Shunyata Venom 3 power cord because it costs $99 and nothing touches it for less than $200, IMHO. I added one to my father's NAD and, while he's no audiophile, he loved the result.

As far as speaker wire goes, there are so many options that will beat the stock or Best Buy wire. I'd suggest sticking with a copper based wire and you can easily find some great used wire on A'gon.

If you start with a good power cord though, you'll more easily be able to hear the differences in speaker wire and interconnects. I'd find out if there are some audiophile groups near where you live. I suspect any number of hobbyists would happily let you try some wire out. As you say, your ears will guide you.

I predict that the 326BEE will reward your efforts to feed it the best possible signal. I look forward to reading your posts down the road. We're in the golden age of budget gear right now, so you can have a lot of fun for relatively little money!
"The audio world is a better place because NAD can offer so much bang for the buck."

I agree.
12-09-12: Jfmerk

I may have to try that and I like the idea of waiting a few months, I should get to know the sound really well before making any changes.

True words of wisdom my friend.