New preamp experience

Through the years, I have changed amps, speakers, front end components and various cabeling topologies many times across a large range of tube and solid state systems but the constant was always my Cary SLP05 preamp. I always perceived it to be the best pre I had ever heard and it is very adaptable and capable of applications on both sides of the fence. The 300b Coincident Frankenstien Monoblocks that I purchased sounded really great through this pre but O MY GOSH!! I just recieved the Coincident Statement Linestage pre amp and now I'm wondering..maybe the choice of preamp has all along been my weakest link. This preamp is absolutely incredable. I guess I learned a lesson here.
Markus, I don't know how many times I have said "The madness has to stop somewhere." No sooner do I get the words out of my mouth than a new piece presents itself, that represents a substantial step forward. The good thing is you get to the point where anything else is gravy.
Markus - shoot me an email with what you'd want for it and what tube you would be including.
Hi Pdreher,
Aren't you using the VAC REN 70 watt amp? Is there a sonic difference between the two Renaissance models besides the power? I'm curious as I usually prefer the lower power versions of otherwise identical amplifiers. But mine is a somewhat minority position.
There is a subtle but noticeable difference. The 30/30 is sweeter and more organic vs. it's larger sibling.
It would seem an option to remove 1/2 the output tubes and effectively convert the REN 70/70 to a 30/30, or is there more to it than that?