Will Push-Pull Triode amp 20-25 WPC work?

I own a second generation pair of Allison 4 speakers, (2002) which are pristine. The room is 12 X 12, quiet to moderate sound levels, mostly classical, occasional jazz, Speaker sensitivity 87 db, 8 ohms. Can I get away with a triode amp (that I really want), like a 300B, putting out 22-25 WPC? And no, I dont want to change the speakers for 100 db sensitive ones, as I know I should, as these speakers work perfectly in the room, in my office, against the front wall, and are probably the best speakers Roy Allison made.
I have a Deja Vu pushpull stereo amp 17 watts per side on a pair of EL34's per channel and my speakers are JMlabs Micro-Utopias the original version.
I’m using a New Audio Frontiers Supreme 300b Special Edition to drive JM Labs Mini Utopias - very similar to Jond’s. I hope you’re able to work things out. IMO, 300b tubes in push-pull strike a really nice balance.
Given the room size,preferrd listening levels and benign speaker load (per Phaelon) I believe you`ll be fine.
I just read the biasing instructions on a Canary Audio 301B before buying and find you have to take it apart each time which is the reason I sold my Jadis JOR. Any Triode PP 20 plus WPC 300B or 2a3 amps that are auto-bias or don't require dismantling to bias? Thanks for all your inputs- hi, Mike Swampwalker- nice to hear from you! Should I start a new thread to ask this?
My room is 17W by 30L by 8 foot high and I drive my YG Carmel's with a 20 watt Will Vincent Baldwin amp and it is sonic heaven! NO- I don't Play it loud. When I use a small tube amp I am looking for an intimate, tonally pure sound. I, even have a smaller 45 push pull tube amp ordered for use with the Carmel's-Cant wait to hear that combination! Go for quality-not quantity