At What Age Does An Audiophile Buy His Last Amp?

I am 60 years old. I have bought and sold audio equipment for years while trying out gear to get the perfect blend for my system. At 60, I think I may have one more shot at a major overhaul of my system. Whatever gear I have after this next overhaul is the gear I will ride into the sunset. Geez, I hope I'm not 75 still trying to squeeze that last 3% of sonic excellence out of an equipment upgrade purchase.

I think I'm going to have to draw the line at 65.
Well I'm 75 and still attempting to do the 3% squeeze. Don't know what I will do at 85, when I am working on the 1% of the squeeze left. Just hope I have some hearing left to make it worth while. So, when will you buy your last car? Never happens! Things break, wear out, go out of tech. That gives us opportunity to 'buy the last'.
Well, do you mean final amp? Or is it the "last amp", the one you just dropped off at FedEx to hurry back to your listening room to spend sometime with your new "last amp".... ;-)
I'm over 70 and my hearing is either getting better or I’ve taught myself how to listen better. I didn’t do the concert thing back in the day so maybe that’s a contributing factor. Right now I’m seriously thinking about going 2 channel versus my Theta surround sound system. My plan is to start with a 2 channel amp… probably an Ayre… and see how my Casablanca III likes it. Arguing with myself about what to do next helps to "keep me young".