Sneaky new internet tax pushing through fast

(very sorry mods, please leave it up for aminute

Call your reps!!

For those of us that buy or sell anything online and don't want to be audited by 50 states plus, please take notice to the new internet sales tax that is going through fast right now!! Spread the word, call your congressman, this will put all small vendors out of business most likely, don't let it happen guys!!
I agree with Tim. (on everything) I will say that maybe if I looked at my check stub and didn't feel like what I pay in was absurd, I'd feel better about paying online tax. As it stands, if I never paid any online tax, I still pay more than my fair share. Uncle Sam taxes me when I earn it, they tax me when I spend it. The tax on a pack of smokes is crazy. Alcohol too. How about gas tax? When I pay in too much, and get a refund, I have to claim that and get taxed again. In the end, I probably pay in 50% of what I earn to some form of tax. I'm sorry if I "neglect" to claim what I buy online. My bad.
In Illinois, we need this additional revenue to cover the costs incurred when we prosecute and in-prison our politicians.
No way!
We pay a multitude of taxes already.The mindset of this country is really changing to support an ever larger and greedier federal government that spends recklessly. Citizens are better off when more of their money stays in their pocket.
+1 Charles1dad
If I knew all the lying scumbags in office would do the proper thing with the money I might feel differently. Do we really need a new tax on ANYTHING?
The tax rate has been too low for too long. Its common knowledge that American's are not willing to give up anything taxes provide and want the pre 1981 services and regulations restored.

As demonstrated by the resent failure of the House to pass reasonable gun registration, or any meaningful legislation, its very clear our Government has been unable to represent the people for some time. The inability for a simple majority to carry any motion has the world laughing at our once admired government.

Under this current climate of corporations holding trillions off shore, using our infrastructure and paying nothing, one wonders if a tax increase to the people is an equitable solution.