Looking for a Nice Simple Good Sounding Preamp...

I`m looking for a preamp with two RCA inputs, one for a Phono Stage and one for a CD player that has two outputs to drive the amps and that`s it.
I like the idea of something like the Lightspeed but I`m not sure it will work for me.

To help, here`s what I`m working with:
I have Revel F52 (87.5db) speakers powered by a 90/100 watt Rogue ST90 (KT120`s) tube amp.
I`m using a Dayton SA1000 amp to power a Revel Ultima Sub-15 subwoofer.
Currently I'm using a PS Audio GCPH phono stage straight into the Rogue and I`m liking it alot but I want to try other Phono Stages and most do not allow straight to amp hookup.
Also, I just bought a CD recorder to copy vinyl with that`s why I need two inputs.

If the Lightspeed won`t work, what will thats along the same lines...Nice Simple and Good Sounding ??

Scm I think that sounds reasonable. It is what I do. Just unplug the phono section and then plug in digital for those rare times I listen to it.
I agree with the NAD C165Bee but also the B&K PT-3 MkII. The B&K can be found for as little as $125.00 to $250.00 and to me, either is a bargain.

Also another good budget choice is the Parasound 2100.

What about DIY. Something to think about.
Try an Art Audio Alana. You can get it with three inputs. You could have one input converted to a built in phono preamp.