Since no-one has posted a DD-18 listening experience similar to mine, I wonder if it is partly caused by local circumstances, like the bass suckout in the middle of my room, and also because the effect is subtle, there is a give and take. I have my sub's presets set to 1 = crossover 199hz (defeat), 2 = 100hz, 3 = 80hz, 4 = 70 and so on down to 40 or so. These were set up through calibration. The flexibility of the sub is a big plus. The bass perhaps sounds more correct when I use lower crossovers. I've often felt that the standard 80hz sounds just fine, with most LPs. As I've said, this is much the rule through quite different pairs of speakers (they all run full-range, since this works best in my room - I learned that from my REL subs). So this idea of not using the crossover, and rather turn the volume 30 - 50 percent down compared to the presets, is something I've found out after some years of using the presets. Obviously this only works if the speakers are doing quite well in the bass. There is probably a price to pay in overlap speakers/bass but for me it is less than the problem of the equalizer in the sub, which somehow brings me closer to digital, and I am allergic to that.