Could we recreate this learning arena? I mean, with all these knowledgeable, friendly and helpful people still around? Many participants give a lot of help without getting much credit for it. People like Jafox, Albert, Ralph, Tvad, Charles and others. I think that the sense of community is very important. Together with respect and appreciation of difference.
I live across the Atlantic. Here in Oslo (Norway) we have a music listening group that meets now and then, in the home of each participant - with the clear rule that we are NOT grading audio components. What interests us, beside the music, is how the sound can be improved in that room, without much added cost. This works well, and has made us listen more for what a system does well rather than the problems. The "my system is better than yours" attitude is not allowed in!
For me, community and music overlaps. I feel much better, listening to a system, when I know about other members' experiences. Now, I smile a bit extra, listening to the amazing guitar work of Ritchie Blackmore on the new LP box (Rockpalast 95), knowing that thanks to advice from people like Jafox, Albert and Charles (in another thread here at the forum), I can stretch my preamp to the limit, using the best tubes.
For me, the value of these discussions often lie in going the extra mile, trying some tweaks and modifications, testing out and reporting back. It becomes more interesting and valuable, when others do so too.