Sony 9100ES, Oppo 103 105

Redoing home theater, I have the 9100ES and was wondering about the difference in sound quality, for DVD movies only in 5.1, between the Sony and the two Oppo's. Aerial 7b and CC3b front speakers. Thanks.

For a complete comparison did you try the 105 analog to the A21, using analog stereo for the front LR of 7.1? I can believe that Audyssey might provide an advantage with multiple speakers, though I wonder if set up using a tape measure and SLP meter would accomplish much the same.

The ARC of the chip used in the Cary Cinema 11a is useless, so I use a Velodyne SMS-1 bass manager for room correction for a pair of HGS-15 subs. The 105 outputs analog to Cary inputs set to bypass; the Sony XA-5400ES outputs HDMI. The amps are Proceed HPA 2 & 3 driving KEF R107/2 mains and R102 surrounds.

I'd like to try an 8801 in my room. I've been told I'd be disappointed for balanced stereo, but multichannel might be a win -- I've never tried Audyssey.
Hi! if you reread my post, the 105's analog outs for a stereo comparison to the Halo A21 was the first connection method , I used the XLR connection and this became my reference point to judge the 8801 as a 2 channel preamp in which you won't be disappointed, but rather shocked at just how good it is. Its because of that comparison to the 105 going directly to my amp, I feel no need for a dedicated 2/ch preamp, as the 8801 kills in this regard.

My question was did you try 5.1 or 7.1 analog directly from the 105 to the A 21? If I understand your last post, and I'm not sure I do, are you saying you prefer XLR stereo through the 8801 to XLR directly from the 105 to your A21 or that there is no sonic difference whether the Halo or Oppo does the analog? I don't know anything about the A21, but I assume it accepts XLR input. I only belabor this because I have a lingering interest in the 8801 as a cost effective way to Audyssey, but I read Kal Rubinson's review to suggest the 8801 is not quite in the same sonic league as the Classe CT-SSP or Bryston SP-3, i.e. . . ."is the best sounding preamplifier-processor I have heard at or below its price".

Kal bought the 8801! that should tell something and as for the Halo A21, its a stereo amp. I didn't try the 5.1 or 7.1 only the stereo balanced outs from the Oppo 105 direct to the A21 ( with no 8801 in the chain)But in the end I ran the balanced outs of the Oppo through the 8801 because its in addition to being a top notch processor and outstanding 2/ch preamp.
Thanks, Jdub39. What amp are you using for the surrounds? I'd really like to try an 8801, but I'd feel obligated if the local dealer did let me take one home. The local guy I bought the Cary from seems to have connections, so maybe he can line up an 8801 for me to try -- it might also come with a big discount as in the case of the Cary. By the time I bought the Cary, it already had a reputation for outstanding sound combined with annoyingly buggy processing. The 8801 has a reputation for great processing, but I remain skeptical about its sound given Kal's price-oriented caveat. IIRC he also has a very expensive Meridian.
