Mundorf silver /oil /gold vs Duelund CAST

After hours of testing Mundorf's S/O/G Caps mated with Scanspeaks new revalator dome we were not pleased with the sound of the Mundorf/scanspeak combo the results were disappointing: poor dynamics and contrived not natural sound with a loss of rated SPL.

However; coupled with the Duelund CAST capacitor the new tweeter actually and finally came to life. It is smooth, real, and dynamic with an open natural sound!

Perhaps the Mundorf is better with many more hours on her??

Go Duelund!
There are always better-sounding parts to be found, but the question is whether the end user is willing to pay the premium for them at the outset. Sometimes the customer is stretching just to afford the product and adding another $1000+ for the upgraded caps sounds excessive at the time of initial purchase. However, say 2 years down the road, spending $1500 for an upgrade is much easier to swallow, IMO. Marketing involves tough decisions.
I use both and the Duelund CAST caps are simply in a different league. No kidding.
The Mundorf SGO will change over the burn in period and become more open.

The Duelunds are excellent and extremely natural sounding, leaving mundorf sounding hyped, etched, or a bit "hifi" by comparison to the duelund. But always remember the duelund is many times the price of the Mundorf and probably anything else. To quote Marie Antoinette "Let them eat cake". Trouble is its tough enough to find bread.

I have a few pairs of custom speakers with all Scan Speak drivers. I use all Cast Duelund with custom silver ribbon wire. So I am familiar with what you are working with.

If I was designing a speaker and the top end was rolled off then the Mundorf would be a cheap fix.

Using the Mundorf with a speaker that has tonal balance you will get more energy on top and shift the balance.

Duelund Cast works great with Scan Speak. As I mentioned in a previous thread I call them the Denmark Connection.

Stick with the Duelund and you will find you will have to spend less upstream.
It would have been interesting to know how much of breakin both caps had when you did that comparison.

Anyhow, I once replaced Mundorf silver/gold (not oil) which had more than 1000 hours on them with teflon v-caps in my Omega Duos tweeter xo and the difference where dramatic. This showed me how average mundorfs caps are and how much music gets lost in them.