Help me pick some speakers

I am moving out of state and will be getting an apartment for the next year or so. So assume a small space. I need speakers. I have a Sunfire 300x2 amp and Sunfire Theatre Grand II. I have MIT Pro-line XLR interconnects, Tara Labs S&T II speaker wire and Tara labs Prism Special AC power cords. Only looking for two channel. Any suggestions on a used speaker that won't break the bank, say $1000 or less. Listen to mostly jam band, rock and want good bass without killing neighbors with a sub woofer. Not too concerned about floor space, so floor mount is OK, just looking for best quality for my money. Thanks for any replies!
I heard some GOldenears recently for the first time.

I heard Aon3 off some decent Mc amplification. They were most impressive for their size and cost! Fans of ribbon tweeters and big soundstage might find these appealing. SOund was just a tad polite for my tastes. In general, I have not been a huge fan of ribbon tweeters but that's just me. Also no removable grills, just a fabric wrap, which keeps cost down but does not easily allow one to see what you are listening to.

Also hear the large GE Triton floorstanders. Vendor said these were best sellers and they carry all the most popular lines. Yuck, surprisingly these did not sound good to me at all, very low to mid fi even! They had wobble to them ie not sitting squarely on the floor and were being run of a Pioneer amp that I am not familiar with. I am not a fan of towers with multiple tiny bass drivers either, but I would have to think something was not right with the setup of these considering the Aons were so nice and these also supposedly are well received. SO I would give them a pass for now but not a recommendation from what I have heard. YMMV.
Mapman- The GE Triton has a 1200w powered sub and will blow away the Aon3 in any manner of music reproduction. It is a giant killer. Something was wrong with the system. The Aon3 is a super little speaker, don't get me wrong, I love them and would be very happy with only (?) them, but still they are not in the same league.
Just picked up a pair of KEF LS50s new....amazing speaker for the size and price.