Nervous and excited

Hey all,

So, I just unexpectedly maybe upgraded my system, selling my beloved Sophia Baby Electric integrated and buying a Rega Mira 3, then putting up for sale my beloved Triangle Titus and buying a pair of JM Lab Focal 807v's. I also went from Mapleshade Helix speaker cable to Clear Day.

Now I'm nervous. Will the 807's be all that I think they will? The Clear Day are already a huge difference in presence and projection. I'll keep you posted. Feel free to chime in with any experiences you have with any of these components.
That's the thing, though. I found I wasn't really happy with the Baby. Then again, after seeing a live symphony last night, I admit that, like many audiophiles, I'm simply trying to reproduce in my listening room what can only be heard in the concert hall.
Well, thre Focal's should sound good and if you still have the triangles, hang on to them for comparison. The focal's should have more bass, I think. Clear Day speaker cables are great and Paul is the nicest guy I've ever done business with; I love the guy. I think the only piece that is ip for debate is the rega, which I have no experience with. Good to hear though that the baby wasn't really doing it for you any more as I had thought about purchasing one locally awhile back; maybe it's best for a small secondary bedroom system.
Anyhow, glad to hear you had a good time lastnight at the symphony :-)
The best upgrade for Baby Amplifier is to use two Baby Amplifiers in bi-amplifier arrangement. One drives the upper frequency, one drives the bass. Two Baby amplifiers would you the grand scale of power(almost like 4x more) and drive capability.

It is an affordable solution for most baby amplifier owners.