Driving Magnepan 1.7

For those of you who own these, I am curious as to what you are driving them with. The room they would go in is roughly 20x18 wood floor open. Amplification has not been decided yet but will be tube. just moved and dismantled my old system and want something simpler. Integrated amp or mono blocks, preamp and cd player. This is a music only system. I have a feeling the amps I am looking at may not be powerful enough but I do not want to color your answers.

I will go with presence,realistic timbre every time. That is the reason I enjoyed the Quicksilvers. The output tubes in my Quicksilvers were KT88's. Between guitar amps and audio amps I have gone through a lot of tubes. I have never owned a solid state amp....although the integrated Krells look intriguing.
I would not pair Krells with Maggies. It will give you an ear bleed. The Magtechs are a good suggestion, but both the old Cary 500MBs and the newer 500.1s are also great with Maggies. HIfiharv got to what I was trying to say. Tubes and Maggies can work. Israel Blume said he has customers driving maggies with coincident tube amps. Tubes should not be ruled out, but it may involve a compromise. If its a compromise you are willing to make, there you go.
I'm quite happy driving my 1.7's in similar size room with a Prima Luna Prologue tube integrated. Using Kt-120 power tubes remedies the low bass criticism's of the amp reviews of 2 years ago. The pre tubes used will matter... its worth it to dish out for Telefunkens and Siemens. I also considered the Rogue Chronus when buying the PL but found it to be to slow and soft on transients. If I were in the market now, I would gravitate to the Dialogue Premium at the $3k price point.
Not a fan of SS amps as they generally bore or fatigue me with their sound.
I'm about to make a lot of people mad. The only reason I'm even posting here is that I've had Vandersteen's as well and did a direct comparison. I was always curious about Magnepan so I went out and bought a pair of 1.7's and had them for about a year. During that time, I moved them in and out of my main system that has a pair of Vandersteen Model 2's. I really didn't know what to expect. The only thing I can tell you is that after a lot of listening, I couldn't come up with 1 thing that the 1.7's did better than the 2's. They weren't bad speakers, they were just outclassed by the 2's.

What I liked about the speaker the most was the bass. I thought it was excellent compared to most other speakers in this price range. It was very realistic and musical, not like that one note theatre sound that most speakers produce. The highs are what really turned me off. There was just too much sibilance. Also, the ribbon/tweeter covered most, if not all of the mids. I just didn't find that setup very natural sounding.

As far as driving the speakers goes, I didn't think they were too bad. You don't want to use a pair of SE triods, but as long as you don't need to play them too loud, in your 20x18 room, you shouldn't have too much trouble.

I know A LOT of people like the 1.7's. I think thats great. I've no problem with that whatsoever. My opinion is just my opinion, and nothing more. I'm not trying to put Magnepan down in any way.

funny, when I bought my Maggie 1.6 I compared them to Vandy 2e Sig and easily preferred the Maggies. Way more open sounding.

different strokes...