@jafox. Comparisons are overrated. I found out that a number of factors contribute to your sound. Room acoustics, amplifier, source, power cords interconnects, ic. Etc. etc. etc.. However, there is also mods inside of equipment. I'm using an amp that has some mods in it. I'm using the resssonessence invicta mirus dac. As my source which is one that is different from all the other people I know. I sold my rel sub this weekend and move it out the corner and gave the speakers some breathing room and it sounds absolutely great. There are small changes that make big differences. Room acoustics and equipment and listening materials make huge differences.@Ddraudt I see you use all modified equipment. There is no comparing your stuff because it's all one of a kind mods. I'm finding out that that may be the way to go with this stuff. @tbg you are right comparisons are not good in our area because every body has equipment that reacts differently to the rest of their equipment. I'm tired of folks coming saying what stock stuff did we cone from it high fidelity. I have only an ultimate ic in my system right now and I happy with its performance in my system. Kst 150 amplifier also performs well. Hard to compare other products to his. He is doing something totally different technology wise. Great product, great service to add on to to that makes them a winner. @lak how are you liking that speaker cable.