Oh, the frustrations of the speaker search

Yesterday I had a nice opportunity to audition a couple of speakers I felt fit my potential budget and listening preferences. To clear that up:

Budget = $1,200 MAX
Music preferences = 70% prog metal/rock (Tool, Opeth, Dream Theater, Rush, etc.), the rest is a mix of female/male vocalists, movie soundtracks, jazz.

The speakers I went in to audition were Golden Ear Aon 3's and PSB Imagine B's. The shop had an Ayre CD player connected to an NAD C 356BEE integrated amp. Tracks used for demo: Alison Balsom (Trumpet Concerto in E Flat); Tool (Forty Six & Two); Porcupine Tree (The Sound of Muzak); Zac Brown Band (Free); Hans Zimmer (Man of Steel - Terraforming).

My impressions: the Aon 3 ribbon tweeters were doing some really cool things in the treble region, but I didn't like the timbre up there. The midrange was very distant, lacked PRAT, but smooth. Bass was very present (most bass I've ever heard for a bookshelf), but had a rather "bloated" sound to it. I just got the sense that the midbass was bleeding too much into the midrange, causing the lack of presence in vocals and guitars. Soundstage was very nice, but not a whole lot of instrument separation going on. Decent in the detail department. Imaging was solid.

When he switched to the PSBs, I immediately noticed a more defined, taut bass section. Not as much quantity as the Aon 3's, but much tighter and cleaner, IMO. I preferred the midrange handily with the Imagine B's, but definitely noticed the glariness of the metal dome tweeter (as compared to the ribbon in the Aon 3). Overall, I felt the Imagine B was better balanced and the midrange had much more life (positive sense) to it. Soundstage was maybe a bit less in width, same in depth. One thing that I felt was lacking, though, was instrument separation. Imaging was solid.

It was at this point that I felt truly torn. These speakers did things so differently that I really had no idea which one I'd go with (if I had to choose). What made this even more complicated, is the salesman placed a pair of Aerial Acoustics Model 5B on the stands...

Crap. I was glad and mad at the same time after listening to these speakers. Immediately apparent: INSTRUMENT SEPARATION!!! Details, clarity, resolution, timbre. All those words started flooding in my head. Truly balanced sound with a beautifully rendered midrange. Absolutely no glare or harshness to the treble (despite being aluminum dome tweeters...implementation!). Bass quantity was nice, but actually sounded muddy (was very surprised by this).

In the end, it made me realize that even a $2000+/pair speaker can have its flaws (granted still being run by a mid-grade integrated in the NAD). So now I have a reference point, however I don't know if I'd ever be able to achieve that kind of midrange/treble bliss at my price point for the genres I enjoy.

I realized, in the end, that I can live with some bass misfortune (as it can be corrected by cables, electronics, placement, room treatment, etc.)...but I really MUST have that type of midrange/treble that can be so well rendered and discernable, while also being able to ROCK.

This search just got a lot more complicated...
Thank you all for your well thought out responses and advice. It's certainly a long journey ahead. Forunately, time is on my side, as the new home situation isn't even resolved yet. I will try and follow the path of simply auditioning as many speakers as I can to see what flavors work best with my musical tastes.

Hopefully I don't go pissing off some audio shop owners/salesman for repeatedly visiting but purchasing nothing...here's to hoping!
Hey, FWIW, if interested in OHMs for a good price, now might be a good time to call and see what might be possible.

OHM Annual SUmmer SHutdown Sale

OHM Super Walsh 2.2000's on sale could be A VERY GOOD SNAG!!!!

I bought my F5 series 3 OHMs a few years back at this time of year. With sale price and max 40% trade in I saved over 50% off complete brand new speakers.

I also have a pair of OHM Super Walsh 100Series 3 refurbed OHMs I bought used on Agon for $600 a few years back. 2.2000s are newer and improved similar size drivers in the same (vintage Walsh 2) cabinets. They look exactly like the picture. Footprint size is very modest and these might leave nothing to want in a small room like yours if the price is right. if you talk to John Strohbeen, I'd recommend telling him exactly what you are looking for soundwise and describe your room, etc. That would help him steer you right. Good luck whichever way you might go.
This is a good thread I enjoyed reading. My experience is, the better the amp, the better the bass. Also, I have found that an excellent pre and power amp make even cheap speakers sound pretty darned good. I am an 'old prog' fan, Gentle Giant, Yes, Elp etc etc. There are just sooo many speakers I wouldn't know what to recommend but the PSB are not bad and should be considered. YES (thinking Close to the Edge or Relayer) sounds fairly good on my AR 11's but they are bigger than you want I think and definitely require a very hefty and refined power amp.
You might want to try the PSB Synchrony B. It is a step up from the Imagine series. I use the PSB Synchrony One, which has the same tweeter, and dont find any harshness. but I listen strictly to vinyl, and my Manley Steelhead phono preamp is tube based, so that might make a difference. In any case, the Synchrony B will give you everything the Imagine does, only better.
Ejlif, never say never because I did exactly that!

When I was in the speaker search, I bought a cheap pair of Cambridge Audio Sirocco S-30's to hold me over so I would have something on my system while I searched, and I was actually impressed with how well $200 speakers sounded with a $5K Bryston amp. It is a good gap solution so you don't feel rushed.

speaker selection is probably the most daunting task because of so many options and variables.