RCM Sensore Prelude OR Zesto Andros PS1 Phono?

Hi All. I have the opportunity to purchase either one of these two phono stages. My problem is i would be doing so with only having heard the RCM Sensor Prelude. Whilst i think this is a great phono stage i am wondering if anyone has heard both the Sensor Prelude AND the Zesto Andros in their setup and if they could convey their thoughts to assist me with my decision making process. I can't find any online reviews that compares both of them in the same review. There are great individual reviews for both of these items. So keen to get other perspectives and especially keen to hear if anyone has heard both? Thank You

What is the difference between the normal RCM en the Furetech version?

The fuses and terminals are all Furutech. I spoke with Roger Adamek (RCM owner and designer) and the difference in his opinion is not subtle as compared to the original Sensor, which is a great unit in its own right. I had the benefit of speaking Polish with him as I grew up there and he is a very nice man, as most of the designers I've spoken with are.

If you want to ask anything more specific, feel free to email me at actusreus13@hotmail.com
I just took delivery of my new Zesto Andros PS1 yesterday. I have not heard the Prelude so I'm not going to be much help there. I was using a Ray Samuels F117 Nighthawk prior to the Zesto. The Zesto cost 5 times as much as the F117 so admittedly it isn't a fair comparison. That said, the upgrade to the Zesto has provided everything I hoped for. The soundstage is much larger especially front to back. Vocals sound very natural to me through the PS1. The bass is solid and deep and the highs are extended but not bright. Also I definitely hear more detail with Zesto but it is so musical that the added detail doesn't draw attention to itself. For me, it makes listening to vinyl a whole lot more enjoyable.
My advice would be to listen to your new turntable in your system before doing anything. If your not happy, the Zesto should be on your short list. I'm quite happy with it.
For reference, here is the rest of my vinyl playback system. My system is the Linn LP12 with Radikal power supply, Ekos SE arm, Akiva MC cartridge and Keel subchassis and a few other upgrades. Other components are the Harbeth M40.1 speakers, Ray Samuels A-10 Thunderbolt balanced vacuum tube preamp, and McIntosh MC452 power amp.