Kisawyer 04-06-13
I purchased a pair of Morrow MA-1 interconnects, burned them in 24/7 for 500 hours.
Kisawyer 04-08-13
I suspected the Morrows because once I installed them and heard how well they sounded I immediately knew what to listen for during my sessions. When the sound degraded, I suspected the cables. The cables have never been moved during this entire process.
If I understand correctly, you therefore burned them in 24/7 for 500 hours using one or more of the components in the system.
In addition to AC line conditions, tubes, and several of the other possible explanations that have been suggested, that seems to me to cast suspicion on whichever component or components were being operated for those 500 hours. Especially if the component(s) that were operated for those 500 hours are of comparable age to those that are listed in your system description.
Personally, I see no reason to suspect the cables, and lots of reasons to suspect many other things.
-- Al