Question on FR 66s

For some reason, search on FR 66s in agon did not turn up anything much. I recalled that recommended S2P distance is 296mm rather than 295mm and Stevenson geometry seems to work best. Is this correct? I already have FR 64s which works very nicely with Koetsu. In general, does FR 66s works well with the more modern cartridges, Lyra, Air Tight, Dynavector etc.
I am kind of curious to try it but not sure what to try it with. Beside those mentioned on my system page, I have Kiseki Blue, XV-1s and Miyajima Zero on hand currently.

Thanks for any suggestion.
Dear Thuchan, I will post to you the email address of my
uncle Boris.I am sure he will gladly exchange his Natalija
for your speakers provided he can use his 'Medvedev'
capacitors with your HF drivers. He will namely not part
from his Russian oil capacitors.

Halcro, thanks again for your information. I will wait for SMARTracker to arrive before experimenting. I assume that once setting P2S to 231.5 and using UNIdin and align it to null point properly, offset angle and overhang would be adjusted to the new spec automatically, if I am reading your post correctly.

This is a lot of fun and please hijack the thread as you wish. FR66s, FR64s, I needs all the help I can get for both!
I also recently got the B-60 VTA adjustment replica for FR66s which is great. Now I will have to save up for another one for FR64s. However, I will need to find a new armboard as my Micro Seiki armboard for FR will not accomodate the larger diameter VTA on the fly module.
05-19-13: Lewm
Dear Henry, I am a bit puzzled about a recommendation for a specific headshell offset angle to go along with the recommended P2S distance and overhang for the 64S. In the case of headshell offset angle, isn't one "stuck" with the built-in angle?
Option 1 - Buy a headshell with slots
Option 2 - Drill the headshell holes oversize
Option 3 - Drill the cartridge holes oversize
Option 4 - No bolts, superglue the cartridge to the headhsell
Option 4 is the best sounding, but you need to keep the glue ultra thin for maximum energy transfer.
Dear Dover, I am well aware that one can "twist" the cartridge in the headshell to obtain a non-standard offset angle. I suppose I should have acknowledged that possibility in my post to Henry. In fact, that's what one has to do, in order to use Daniel's recommended FR64S geometry. Twisting the cartridge in the headshell did not work well with my Dynavector, which experience I described elsewhere, maybe not on this thread. Thus I am biased against thinking of doing it. But I also think that the issues that arose with the Dynavector (nasty distortion) had to do with the unique design of the Dynavector, where the vertical pivot is distinct from the horizontal one and very close to the cantilever. Ergo, I am open-minded about twisting the cartridge in the FR64S headshell. More anon.