Acrylic platter

I have a Project expression II turntable which comes with an aluminum platter . I was wondering on buying an Acrylic platter made specifically for my turntable . My question is will it make a difference for the better changing my aluminum platter for an acrylic one ? I'm using an Ortofon Salsa moving coil cartridge with it , project speed box , cables are JPS superconductor Q and phono stage is the dedicated moving coil gold phono board of the Audible Illusions 3A preamp .
Cast aluminum, zinc, steel, stainless steel, acrylic,other plastics or layers of of all types. Then we get into the mats, felt, cork, cork, micro dots and whatever. My advice. Spend your money on a better cartridge or phono preamp.
Cast aluminum, zinc, steel, stainless steel, acrylic,other plastics or layers of of all types. Then we get into the mats, felt, cork, cork, micro dots and whatever. My advice. Spend your money on a better cartridge or phono preamp.
My previous TT Audiomeca J1 had acrylic layers with lead in between, my present Kuzma Stabi Reference has also acrylic layers with aluminum plate in between. You can buy an acrylic mat for much less money, try and if satisfy you can eventual glue the mat on your aluminum platter.
Agree totally with the acrylic mat suggestion from Nandric.I am using a Goldmund Relief mat on my Oracle.It is not acrylic ,but a proprietary substance which I suspect may have similar sonic qualities.If you go this route I think you will need to couple the mat/platter at least with double sided tape.The mat will also likely require reset of Arm height.My mat is approximately 1/4 inch thick.I thought The bass was tightened up with the mat.I'm using an Ortofon LOMC and all tube electronics so there was likely room for some improvement in the lower register.Best of luck.
My thinking is that platter material is much like cables. You really should listen to it to decide if its right for you. ( I guess everything is). I went from an acrylic to an aluminum and in MY system, it was undoubtedly better. The acrylic sounded somewhat closed in and tubby sounding in comparison. If your electronics and/or speakers are a bit bright sounding, the move to acrylic will be welcomed, however, if your system tends to be on the "Boston" side, you might think it too much.