Torn between two IC's... Please help...

I'm torn between Goertz Silver Sapphire and Morrow MA-4's... Currently I have Goertz copper mircopurls going from my Bifrost dac to my NAD 326bee... My plan is to move the copper microlpurls in the place of the pre-amp jumpers and buy a new set of ic's to go from the Bifrost to the NAD... I only need a 1/2 meter for the run... I wish I knew how the MA-4's compared to the Silver Sapphire Goertz... Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Nice words of wisdom.You can certainly improve a system with thoughtful selection and patience. You can spend a lot of money and have different but not necessarily better and sometimes worse than where you began.
The Morrows come with a 30 day trial. Use it. If you dont like it, send them back. With all respect to Schubert, I think its quite a reach for someone on an internet forum to tell you exactly how a cable is going to sound with your system ,in your room , with your ears! Hey, he could be spot on too,but you should definitely try them yourself.
I tend to agree BUT I have heard Morrows in MANY systems and they are very clinican sounding period. Also 30 days is not long enough.
Correct... Thirty days is not nearly enough... My system is almost 4 months old and there still happens to be sonic changes with it, and for the better... I know that there are no two systems that are alike so it's gonna have to be trial and error...