Darwin Ascension: audio video revolution review

You have a great system. I especially love the Symphonic line gear. Do you own any cables by Darwin? I was wondering why you were providing a link to the review.
I just noticed while doing a search that Karmakarma is selling these cables on ebay.
Roxy54, even more interesting is the ebay store name compared to contact info for Darwin Cables.
Nothing underhanded going on there. Tony Bender teamed up with Bill Magerman of Tribute and they're selling off old stock as well as the Darwins.
It's all stated in the product description of the other brands.

All the best,
Over at Mono and Stereo there's more background and testimonials from the beta testers for the Ascensions (I wish I were one of them). I won't provide a link as Mono and Stereo doesn't appreciate it. You can find it at: http://www.dailyaudiophile.com/
and scroll down to Mono and Stereo.

All the best,