Which musician retired too soon?

There are a number of people who used to record and who people enjoyed that are no longer out there for one reason or another. People like Syd Barret or Cat Stevens come to mind.

I know there are a lot of people that I wish had retired, but who would you like to have seen continue in the music industry, that left already?
"He may be principled, but he's not stupid. Ever think of what happened to those who did speak up? Let's just say, they'll never be heard from again."

Maybe I misunderstood the above statement absolving Stevens of speaking up against radical Islam (the fastest growing sect in Islam today and for the last 25 years - now that's a trend!). My statement described what happened to people who have spoken up against this monstrosity, and remember that the Taliban is not an isolated phenomenom. They are an expression of Islam embraced by tens of millions of people. Maybe Hooper is right. Stevens should pretend he's not horrified by the major thrust of his religion in the world today.

Anyway, I just picked up Peter Green's "End of the Game" which I think was his first solo release after leaving Fleetwood Mac. A good live recording of that original band is "The Boston Tea Party, Part 1".
Tomryan- how dare you. What you're saying is insensitive and politically incorrect, but man it sure is refreshing. And yes had someone bashed Christians I don't think you'd have seen much said as that is now in vogue and accepted. Tom- expect to hear from the ACLU. I'm very happy to see Peter Green is back on the radar-hadn't heard from him since his problems in the late sixties. That is great news to me.
Yes, Peter did get a wonderful tone from his guitar and amp, didn't he? If you think about, a lot of the rock performers we've loved simply created a great great tone such as Jorma Karkaroun (sp?), Jerry Garcia, etc. Much of their doodlings were not interesting in and of themselves but sounded so nice and after a while, comfortable.