Folk/Rock choices that are well recorded

Just wanting to hear from you smarties on your recommended best sounding, most fulfilling,folk/rock recording CD's. Simple as that.....thanks. Let's have fun. Dave.
You might take a look at Nickel Creek- some of it freaks me out with its "fusion-ness" but some is really great.
I have a couple of Original pressings by Gordon Lightfoot that sound really good(Sundown,If you could read my mind). Also Jim Croce's Greatest Hits a DCC 180 gram re-master sounds superb.My original pressings of The Band hold up pretty good these days except the brown album "The Band" because I played it to death.
America - their first and self-titled album. Amazing acoustic guitar, songs, recording . . .

This is one I recently re-discovered. I had it in college (I recall it came out the same time as Neil Young's "Harvest". I recently picked it up on vinyl and it's been on my table a lot.
The new Sun Kil Moon album, "Tiny Cities". It's all folk-like covers of Modest Mouse songs, and the production is stellar.
If you can find original pressings of the first 3 Peter, Paul, and Mary albums on Warner Brothers with the gold label (later pressings are green) you'll be amazed at the clarity and dynamics. I'm not saying I'm that old but I've been told this is true. :-)

The second (Turn, Turn, Turn) and fourth (Younger Than Yesterday) Byrds albums can also be very very good.