Folk/Rock choices that are well recorded

Just wanting to hear from you smarties on your recommended best sounding, most fulfilling,folk/rock recording CD's. Simple as that.....thanks. Let's have fun. Dave.
Here is another vote for Tom Russell. When I describe his style to others I tell them to think "Harry Chapin with a Southwest motif". My nomination for his best sound and overall performance would be "Borderland". In fact, I burned a compilation of Borderland and Modern Art (four tracks)and gave it to my local hi-end dealer. They were so blown away they now use it to demo their showcase system (Wilson Grand Slams, VTL Siegfried mono blocks, and of course, a dcs stack).
You might take a look at Nickel Creek- some of it freaks me out with its "fusion-ness" but some is really great.
I have a couple of Original pressings by Gordon Lightfoot that sound really good(Sundown,If you could read my mind). Also Jim Croce's Greatest Hits a DCC 180 gram re-master sounds superb.My original pressings of The Band hold up pretty good these days except the brown album "The Band" because I played it to death.
America - their first and self-titled album. Amazing acoustic guitar, songs, recording . . .

This is one I recently re-discovered. I had it in college (I recall it came out the same time as Neil Young's "Harvest". I recently picked it up on vinyl and it's been on my table a lot.
The new Sun Kil Moon album, "Tiny Cities". It's all folk-like covers of Modest Mouse songs, and the production is stellar.