Help locate stolen Tom Waits song by 3rd Bass

I just read an interview with Tom Waits from '92 in which was mentioned that Waits 'took action' against rappers 3rd Bass for sampling the song "Down in the Hole" from "Bone Machine."

"They probably think I'm a real prick but I said listen, you didn't just take the boom-ching-boom, you took the whole song."

I'm interested in hearing it but can't find the title listed on any 3rd Bass recording. Does anyone have an idea how I can track down this one?

>I've never heard of that hbo series

For someone in the business, that's shocking. Probably the best TV drama ever, with three completed seasons so far.
shocking, i know, drubin. i've never seen the sopranos either, but at least i've heard of that one. i only just saw 'curb your enthusiasm'recently - which is pretty darn funny. i don't have a tv; i work in film. i'll check out the show next time i'm at my father's.
Check out "Prison Break" and "Boston Legal". I haven't watched primetime showa this faithfully since "New York Undercover" was on FOX.