Source for low cost redbook CDs

I'm looking for any recommendations for good sources of CDs with a large inventory of music and reasonable or low purchase/shipping costs. Currently a member of which offers a shipped CD for only $6, which seems to be the best I've found to date. Only problem is that they've got a somewhat limited inventory. I enjoy a wide variety of music - classical, alternative, christian, old and new rock etc. Any suggestions?
I agree with Jadem6: I've had good luck with CDconnection in locating some of the most esoteric titles unavailable elsewhere. I doubt they are the cheapest, just very efficient...
ebay, local used Cd stores, (patience, etc). more often than not ifI'm buying new, I buy from amazon with supersaver shipping and use the link from AudioAsylum, so Rod get a small kick-back. (Sorry Ernie!)
In California = amoeba and streetlight are great. Also, Rasputin for brick and mortar stores.
Many thanks for the excellent recommendations. Even though I use Amazon a lot for woodworking tools and books, I never thought to try them for music as well. Duh. One of my resources to check out new music is our public library system which has a wide range of styles. Thanks to your input, I will now be acquiring more music than is responsible.